Even if your bank charges you, paying by credit card gets you the greatest exchange rate. It also keeps you from having a lot of money with you. However, it is important to have foreign currency from your country to exchange money (in case of a card problem). Make sure your bank is aware that you will be using your card in Brazil. Some banks block card abroad.
In Brazil, most hotels / restaurants accept credit cards. However in certain regions or islands such as Ilha Grande, Morro de São Paulo, Lençois de Marenhenses, Pantanal, Amazonia, it is always better to have a little cash on hand. Communication does not always go through (no telephone line, therefore no card payment).
Since 2003, we organize tailor-made holidays to Brazil and we can amend to your enquirements and budget.
Speak to us !For the payments, we accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express or bank transfer payments. Payments made in your currency, free of charge.